About Us


About us

Makeskinhappy.com is a Chinese website to help Chinese people to understand what the best skin (beauty) products are, in the world. Our aim is to keep them informed about good skin (beauty) products and keep them informed about different brands and new developments.


We want to help them to find the skin (beauty) products that suit them best. At the same time, we like to enhance the satisfaction and happy mood that is part of online shopping. Let’s keep the fun of online shopping despite any language barriers.


Chinese people pursue a better life and are willing to spend money on things they love.  They like to buy things which are worth the money. Funnily enough, even better service can persuade people to pay more money because of the good service and not just for the products.

Many Chinese people are familiar with worldwide famous brands and seek them out, especially the younger ones.


Our Goal

Our Goal is to help Chinese people who want to know more about different kinds of skin (beauty) products, getting up-to-date information and having more choices. At the same time, we will also be helping the beauty product companies to grow and develop within the Chinese market.









